Five substitutions available in The Championship?

Football has been overshadowed this year by the tragedy of Covid-19. As we try to regain some normality and finish the 2019-20 season, I'll be looking at a series of factors which may influence the conclusion of the Championship season. Next is the possibility of extra substitutions being available. In order to protect player welfare, FIFA have made a temporary amendment in the laws covering substitutions: A team can now make a maximum of five substitutions per game, instead of three. If a game enters extra time (not time added on), a sixth substitution may be made. Each team will have a maximum of three opportunities to make their five changes - in addition to half-time. These changes are discretionary and must be ratified by the individual competition organisers, in the case of The Championship the EFL – unsurprisingly the EFL have not made a statement regards whether this change has been implemented (unless I’ve missed it – I’ve looked hard). A decision on thi...